The movie is based on the autobiographical novel of the same name by American veteran Ron Kovic. The protagonist, originally a hot-blooded young man with dreams of being a hero, was inspired by the U.S. President’s Vietnam War speech to decisively give up the opportunity to go to college, give up his girlfriend, and chose to enlist in the army and fight in the war.
However, the cruelty of war was far beyond his imagination, and he became a physically disabled veteran when his legs were paralyzed during a battle.
After returning to the United States, he begins to reflect on the meaning of war, and after a series of spiritual struggles, he finally awakens and becomes an active anti-war fighter.
The movie tells us that war is cruel and meaningless, you love the country, but the country may not love you, both soldiers and civilians are victims under the war machine.
War destroys people’s lives and dreams, distorts human nature and morality, and brings endless trauma and suffering to society, so “Make love, not war” has become an iconic anti-war slogan.
1989 / USA / Drama Biography War / Oliver Stone / Tom Cruise Raymond J. Barry
Long (Tom Cruise) has been a competitive boy since childhood, aspiring to a life of manhood.
Completely overwhelmed by President Nabhan’s incendiary Vietnam War speech, an urge to challenge and sacrifice for his country grows within Long.
After losing a wrestling match, he says goodbye to his lover Donna and his college life, and sets out to join the army and fight in the war.
However, instead of finding the heroism he longed for, Lang witnesses a series of anti-human tragedies when he arrives in Vietnam.
Long’s best friend, Wilson, was killed by Long’s bullet in a melee, and soon after, Long was shot and paralyzed and sent back to the United States.
Wheelchair-bound, Lang still clings to his beliefs about the war waged by the United States, but his girlfriend, Donna, after re-encountering Lang, bitterly believes that Lang’s tragedy is all the fault of the war.
Nightmares haunt Long, who goes to pay his respects to his comrade Wilson, and amidst anti-war cries, Long finally awakens.