Europe and America


Set in 1930s Los Angeles, the film centers around the issue of water rights and municipal corruption, private detective Jack is drawn into a series of complex intrigues, originally just investigating an extramarital affair, but gradually reveals a large conspiracy involving the fate of the city.

1974 / USA / Drama Suspense Thriller Crime / Roman Polanski / Jack Nicholson Faye Dunaway


In 1937 Los Angeles Chinatown, police officer Jack (Jack Nicholson), dissatisfied with the darkness of the place, quits his job as a private detective.

On this day, a woman who calls herself Mrs. Morare asks Jack to investigate her husband’s affair, and Jack gladly accepts.

Jack discovers that Morare turns out to be the chief engineer of the local water conservancy and is arguing with the local farmers over the construction of a dam.

Jack is then given some photographs that prove that Morale is cheating on his husband, but the next morning the real Mrs. Morale comes to his door and asks Jack to stop investigating Morale.

As things get more and more confusing, Jack is determined to pursue the case. ……

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