Based on the biographical literature of the same name by Margo Lee Shirley, the film tells the story of three black women who, in the social context of racial discrimination in the United States in the 1960s, carried out computational work related to the Mercury program at NASA. Under the double oppression of racial segregation and gender discrimination, their talent and perseverance ultimately made them one of the most important hidden figures in NASA.
The film tells us that the progress of science should be based on the premise of respect for human beings, respect for the dignity and rights of individuals, respect for the diversity and differences of individuals, and the combination of science and humanism, science can truly benefit all mankind and realize its value of promoting the progress of human civilization.
2016 / USA / Drama Biography History / Theodore Melfi / Taraji P. Hansen Octavia Spencer
The film tells the story of Hansen, an African-American mathematician who, in 1962, forms a think tank with two “colleagues”, Spencer and Monet, to contribute to astronaut John Glenn’s successful orbital flight around the Earth.