The movie is based on the Busan’s Busan incident in 1981 and tells the story of a tax lawyer who is driven by his conscience and risks retaliation by the authorities to fight against the judge and the prosecutor in the courtroom, with the protagonist of the movie modeled after the former President of South Korea, Roh Moo-hyun.
This movie explains the true meaning of patriotism, the country is the national, the interests of the country should serve the interests of the national, including national happiness, fairness and justice and social harmony, etc. Love a country, we must uphold the rule of law, justice and fairness of the country, even at the expense of the future of the individual, personal freedom, and the safety of the family, Korea, the country, as long as there are these brave and conscientious patriots, is there is hope. Hope.
2013 / South Korea / Drama / Yang Woo-seok / Song Kang-ho Kim Young-ae
In 1978, Song Woo-seok (Song Kang-ho), who only has a high school education, finally passes the judicial exam through years of hard work and quickly switches to become a lawyer after becoming a judge.
Keenly sensing a business opportunity in the latest policies, he starts his business as a real estate escrow agent.
Although he was ridiculed by his peers as a nightclub boy who handed out business cards anywhere and everywhere, Woo-seok did not take it personally and took one step at a time towards the goal he had in mind.
With the money he earned, he was able to provide a prosperous life for his wife and children, and pay off a debt of conscience he owed to a hotel maid seven years earlier.
In the 1980s, the struggle for democratization in Korea intensified.
Woo-seok ignores what’s going on outside the window and continues to make money behind closed doors.
However, he is no longer able to stay out of the social changes, as Park Jin-woo, the son of the restaurant owner, is arrested for belonging to the Busan Reading Association, which is accused of belonging to a left-wing organization, and is subjected to brutal abuse and unfair accusations.
Woo-suk, who loves money but values his feelings more than anything else, sets out on a path to defend democracy. ……