The movie is adapted from Yuko Midorikawa’s manga of the same name in a girls’ manga magazine, and tells the story of a platonic love that takes place deep in the countryside. A lively and cute 6-year-old girl, who spends her summer vacation at her grandfather’s house, meets a mysterious teenager in the forest, who is half-human, half-demon and disappears when touched by a human, and every year, the two of them hang out together on their summer vacation, and gradually develop feelings for each other, but the ultimate ending is a sad one. The movie is only 45 minutes long.
The movie is only 45 minutes long, and the storyline is so short and simple that it’s probably the shortest movie on the Douban 250 list.
2011 / Japan / Drama Romance Animation Fantasy / Takahiro Omori / Ayane Sakura Uchiyama Aki
One summer, a six-year-old girl named Takekawa Hotaru comes to her grandfather’s house for a vacation, and she breaks into the Yamagami Forest, which is said to be full of demons.
When she gets lost, an older boy wearing a fox mask appears in front of her and leads her home.
Although she is grateful, the boy forbids her from touching his body. It turns out that the boy, named Gin, is not human, and if he is touched by a human, he will vanish into thin air.
In the days that followed, Hotaru and Silver became good friends, and they traveled to every corner of the forest to play.
Day after day, year after year, in the summer, Hotaru would come to the forest to meet her best friend as promised.
She kept her promise not to touch Silver, no matter what.
As they grow older, both Hotaru’s and Silver’s feelings for each other quietly change, and together they look forward to the day when they will be together, and together they look forward to embracing each other …… This movie is based on the original novel by Yuki Midorikawa.