The movie tells the story of an eight-year-old child with learning disabilities, Ixia, who was sent to boarding school by his parents because of his poor grades. At this time, an art teacher named Nick came into his life, and through his unique teaching methods, Mr. Nick helped him regain his self-confidence, find the joy of learning, and accompanied and guided him to grow up slowly.
The movie tells us that every child is unique, they all have their own sparkles, all they need is to be found and understood.
2007 / India / Drama Family Children / Aamir Khan / Dasir Safari Aamir Khan
For eight-year-old Isha (Darsheel Safary), the world is a kaleidoscope of wonder and joy, and he is interacting with the strange world in every way he can think of, all the while enjoying the generous gifts of the earth.
However, Icha is a problem child in the eyes of adults. His grades are poor, he is at the back of the class, his mind is full of all kinds of crazy ideas, and after another big trouble, his parents, who can’t stand it anymore, send him to a boarding school.
Although Isha’s new life doesn’t change much, internally, the separation from his parents makes him feel sullen, and that’s when an art teacher named Nick (Aamir Khan) comes into his life.
Unlike the stereotypical teachers he has seen in the past, Nick advocates for his students to retain their individuality and freedom of thought.
During their time with Nick, both Isha and Nick slowly mature.