The movie tells the story of introverted and calm Joel and frank and spontaneous Clementine met at a party and became a couple, but after an argument, Clementine decided to go to the “Forgetfulness Clinic” to erase all the memories related to Joel, and when Joel learns about this, he also chooses the same service to erase his own memories, but in the process of memory erasure, Joel realizes that he doesn’t want to forget Clementine, and he begins to try to keep the good memories between them. However, during the process of memory erasure, Joel realizes that he doesn’t want to forget Clementine, and he starts to try to keep the good memories between them.
The movie is about the loss of specific memories through technological means; in fact, the brain loses some memories every day as people gradually age.
A person’s most valuable asset is his memory of the past good experience, let us cherish these memories, pick up the pen from time to time, review and record those memories, don’t let them be forgotten by time, let these memories become the treasure of his life, accompany himself through every spring, summer, fall and winter, and become the eternal warm light in his heart.
2004 / USA / Drama Romance Sci-Fi / Michel Gondry / Kim Carrey Kate Winslet
Introverted and calm Joel Barris (Kim Carrey) meets the frank and spontaneous Clementine Croskey (Kate Winslet) at a party, and they become a couple.
Like any ordinary couple, their days are filled with sweetness and bickering.
On the eve of Valentine’s Day 2004, when Joel carefully prepared a gift for a quarrel not long ago to find Clementine to apologize, he was surprised to find that Clementine simply do not remember him.
It turns out that the impulsive Clementine can not stand the pain of quarrels in their relationship, to the “forgetfulness clinic”, about Joel’s memory erased completely.
Joel can’t forgive Clementine’s willfulness and can’t bear the pain of losing her, so he too goes to the “Forgetting Clinic” and asks Dr. Howard (Tom Wilkinson) to erase his memories of Clementine.
As the erasure process begins, Joel wanders through his memories and realizes that the times he spent with Clementine, both painful and sweet, were precious, and he doesn’t want to forget the woman he loved so much.
However, once the program starts it can’t be reversed, and Joel can only think of ways to hide Krystin in the deepest part of his memory, the ones…