The movie is a crime noir based on James Ellory’s novel of the same name, which tells the story of three police officers with very different personalities in the sin-ridden city of Los Angeles in the 1950s, who, while investigating a seemingly simple restaurant murder, unveil a shocking inner sheet woven by corruption, lust and lies.
The portrayal of the three protagonists is one of the highlights of the film, a young police detective with dreams of justice, an upright and reckless tough guy, and a police star with a wide range of contacts, good at up and down, and liked by people everywhere. The superb acting skills of the three leading actors is one of the important factors in the success of the film, successfully portraying three distinctive and distinctive characters, each character is vivid and three-dimensional, charismatic, and won the audience’s love. Each character is vivid, three-dimensional and charming, winning the audience’s favor.
The plot of the movie has many twists and turns, and the ending is even more unexpected, leaving a deep impression on the audience.
1997 / USA / Drama Suspense Thriller Crime / Curtis Hanson / Kevin Spacey Russell Crowe
Plot Synopsis:
Based on the novel by James Ellroy, this movie depicts Los Angeles in the 1950s, where police corruption and crime run rampant.
Jack Vincennes (Kevin Spacey) is a police celebrity who often appears in the television media and is in cahoots with a gossip reporter from Hush-Hush Newspaper, earning extra money by creating and exposing peachy stories about celebrities.
Ed Exley (Guy Pearce), who entered the police force as the son of his father, is ambitious and strict, and was sidelined when he was promoted for betraying a colleague; Bud White (Russell Crowe) is iron-faced but impulsive and easily exploited.
A suspected robbery at a diner connects the three men.
Ed Exley finds the three black suspects and receives a death sentence and a commendation from his superiors, but he realizes that the case isn’t that simple when he investigates further and convinces Jack Vincennes to join him on the trail; Bud White has always been skeptical of the diner murder, and the clues he finds indicate that the case isn’t quite as simple as he thought.
The three men are quickly drawn into a world where pornography, drugs, murder, betrayal, corruption, and intrigue intertwine…