The film tells the story of Evelyn, a middle-aged Asian woman who runs a laundromat in the U.S. Her life is trivial and full of stress. An accidental incident makes her realize that she can travel between different universes, and that there is a different version of herself in each universe.
The movie focuses on existentialism and family relationships, and through Evelyn’s journey through multiple universes, it explores the existential question of “why are we worth living?
2022 / USA / Comedy Fantasy Adventure / Kwan Ka Wing Daniel Schnatter / Michelle Yeoh Hui Wei Lun
In an ordinary Asian neighborhood in the United States, there lives a family of four, Evelyn (Michelle Yeoh).
Evelyn is over 100 years old and struggles to run a small laundromat with her cowardly husband, Wilmond (Kwan Chi-wai).
Her father (Wu Hanzhang) is mobility-challenged and in need of care, while her daughter, Joy (Xu Weilun), is a maverick and a rebel.
With no hope in sight, life is all perfunctory and bitter.
One day, when Evelyn goes to the tax office to file her tax return, Wymond suddenly shows unusual behavior and speech.
He told his wife that he came from another universe and needed Evelyn to unite her in various universes to defeat the coming evil forces.
At first Evelyn doesn’t believe it, however she soon establishes a connection with her self in the other universes.
Darkness strikes and this ordinary, unassuming woman has to become the savior of the entire universe ……