The movie is based on the true story of the 1979 Iranian Hostage Crisis, in which the U.S. Embassy in Iran was occupied after the outbreak of the Islamic Revolution in 1979, and 66 U.S. diplomats and civilians were held hostage; however, six diplomats in charge of issuing visas escaped through the back door and hid in the home of the Canadian ambassador.
Tony Mendez, an American CIA agent, hatched a daring rescue plan by posing as a filmmaker and entering Iran in the name of filming a movie. Using this fake film crew as a cover, he succeeded in taking these six trapped American diplomats out of Iran and returning them safely to the United States through a series of camouflage and tactics.
The movie received wide acclaim for its realistic background and tense and exciting plot, and won the Best Picture award at the 85th Academy Awards.
For this rescue incident, from the movie, the thorough planning is certainly important, but the continuous good luck at critical moments seems to be more important.
2012 / USA / Drama Thriller History / Ben Affleck / Ben Affleck Bryan Cranston
Plot Synopsis:
On November 4, 1979, Iran’s revolutionary forces stormed the U.S. Embassy in Tehran, Iran, taking the embassy staff hostage.
More than 50 personnel are held captive, but six escape and take refuge in the home of KenTaylor (Victor Garber), Canada’s ambassador to Iran.
CIA top man Jack O’Donnell (Bryan Cranston) approaches specialist Tony Mendez (Ben Affleck) to assist in bringing the six men back to the United States.
After some discussion, the CIA decides to take Tony’s approach and under the guise of making a movie, Tony travels to Iran to bring the six men back.
Tony contacts his friend in Hollywood, makeup artist John Chambers (John Goodman), and contacts movie producer Lester (Alan Arkin).
Tony picks ARGO, a movie similar to Star Wars, out of many scripts…