The Lord of the Rings prequel, set 60 years before the story of the Lord of the Rings, follows Bilbo Baggins, a hobbit, who, at the invitation of Gandalf, the Grey Wizard, joins the Thirteen Dwarf Expedition, led by the Dwarf Prince Thorin Oakenshield, with the goal of reclaiming the Dwarf Kingdom of the Lonely Mountain, which has been overrun by the Gargoyles.
Along the way, they encounter a variety of dangers and challenges, including attacks by ogres, orcs, and stone giants.
Although Prince Thorin of the Dwarves was skeptical of Bilbo’s ability at first, Bilbo’s courage and wisdom at critical moments impressed Thorin and the other Dwarves, and the Dwarf Prince gradually accepted Bilbo.
In addition, during the journey, Bilbo also accidentally obtains a mysterious magic ring.
2012 / USA New Zealand / Action Fantasy Adventure / Peter Jackson / Ian McLean Martin Freeman
Plot Synopsis:
The last dwarven kingdom of Middle Earth, Elbor, is majestic and majestic.
Old King Thrall has amassed great wealth, but the dragon Smaug’s covetousness and venom ultimately led to the fall of the city.
Many years later, the gray-robed wizard Gandalf (Ian McKellen) approaches Frodo’s uncle, the hobbit Bilbo Baggins (Martin John C. Freeman), and invites him to join an expedition of 13 dwarves.
It turns out that Smaug hasn’t been heard from in years, and the Dwarf Prince Thorin (Richard Armitage), who carries the hatred of his family and country, wants to take this opportunity to reclaim his homeland.
After much consideration, Baggins decides to join.
What he doesn’t realize is that the expedition is plagued by the ghosts of the Pale Orcs and their minions, who have a deep grudge against Thorin, as well as countless dangers created by ogres and stone men.
And during the journey, Baggins also accidentally obtained an important treasure that would later affect the entire Middle Earth …… This movie is based on the original book of the same name by J.R.R. Tolkien.