The movie is adapted from the book of the same name by the Swedish poet Harry Martinsson, which tells the story of the Earth is no longer habitable due to the environmental disaster, and the human beings take a spaceship named “Aniara” to Mars to live, however, an accident makes the spaceship deviate from the route, and gradually sails to the endless space, and the passengers and the crew on the ship fall into the despair of the people who can’t escape. In the 24th year of the voyage, the algae on which the passengers depended for their survival was contaminated, and the last few survivors sat in a dimly lit room waiting to die, as the ship slowly flew into the endless darkness.
5.9 million years later, the Aniara, an abandoned, cold and uninhabited spacecraft, arrives in the constellation Lyra and approaches a planet as verdant and pleasant as Earth.
2018 / Sweden Denmark / Drama Sci-Fi / Hugo Lilja Pella Kagerman / Arvin Kananian Emelie Jonsson
Plot Synopsis:
Aniara is one of the many spaceships used to transport Earth’s population to their new home planet, Mars.
But just as Aniara is leaving the destroyed Earth, she collides with an asteroid and is shot down.
Anneala’s passengers slowly realize that they can never go back; they will continue on forever in an empty, cold universe.
Swedish Nobel Prize winner Harry Martinson wrote Anneala in 1956.
The novel has been translated into many languages, including Danish, Finnish, English, Russian, Czech, Arabic, Japanese and most recently Chinese.
It has been performed as an opera and several theater productions, but has never been filmed.
There is one warning that cannot be emphasized enough in Aniara’s relentless journey towards destruction.
There is only one Earth.
We have only one life.
Therefore, we must take responsibility for our actions and continually protect our environment and humanity.
If we don’t, the planet will soon become.