The story begins with Agent Eric Matthews successfully tracking down the Hacksaw. However, the Hacksaw tells the agent that his son and several other strangers are trapped in a house that has been converted into a death trap, where people need to solve a variety of deadly mechanisms and puzzles in order to survive. In this house, people need to solve a variety of deadly puzzles and riddles in order to survive, and over time, the agent is forced to participate in the game of Jigsaw Murderer.
The film reveals the untold story of Hacksaw and explains why he became a crazed serial killer.
Amanda becomes a protégé of Hacksaw, and the agent is her first tester for the game, in retaliation for her imprisonment.
The movie is so brutal and gory that you won’t want to watch it again.
2005 / USA Canada / Suspense Thriller Horror / Darren Lynn Bausman / Tobin Bell Shawnee Smith
Plot Synopsis:
The murderous Hacksaw (Tobin Bell) is back with a newer and more bizarre killing game.
The discovery of another victim with a “Hacksaw”-style death signature sends Detective Eric Matthews (Donnie Warburg) back to the nightmares of his past.
But surprisingly the murderer has left very obvious clues and the police investigation is going very well in terms of evidence.
In fact, all of this is under the control of “Hacksaw” (Tobin Bell), leaving clues and getting himself arrested is the key premise of his next evil game: eight strangers will be forced to join the game, and even crazier, in addition to the other gamer has been targeted as Matthews. has been targeted as Matthews.
Another thrilling game of life and death is about to begin, masterminded by “Hacksaw”. ……