Apple 2022’s annual New Year’s Eve short film, “Reel”, tells the story of a young movie dreamer, who can only work as a martial arts double in a film and television base, and who returns to his rural hometown after breaking his arm in an accident, where his father and the townspeople want him to help the group shoot a movie aimed at turning the uninvited village into a Netflix attraction.
At first, the son refuses the offer, but after seeing his father’s passion for insisting on filming, he eventually picks up the slack and helps the townspeople make a sci-fi movie based on Mars.
The movie is directed by Zhang Mang, the director of “The Piano of Steel”, and was shot on an iPhone 13 Pro.
2022 / China / Drama Short Film / Zhang Meng / Liu Feiyang Guo Yongzhen
Plot Synopsis:
Apple’s fifth Chinese New Year blockbuster “The Comeback”, directed by “Piano of Steel” director Zhang Meng, tells the story of a disillusioned young man who returns to his hometown to work with a group of passionate farmers to make a movie about “Mars Rescue”.