Based on the best-selling novel of the same name published by Catherine Stockett in 2009, the movie takes place in Jackson, Mississippi, in 1962, and tells the story of a white college student who just graduated from college and dreamed of becoming a writer, and who decided to write a book to help fight for the rights of the black maids in the U.S., because she could not bear to see how American society discriminated against these maids.
It was a time when white men were supreme and black women generally lived as maids. Despite her mother’s opposition and the pressure of the surrounding environment, the college girl decided to interview black maids, collect their true stories and write a book to expose the truth of racial discrimination. This sincere emotion not only makes the movie full of human light, but also makes the audience feel the touch and resonance of the heart when watching it.
2011 / USA India UAE / Drama / Tate Taylor / Emma Stone Viola Davis
In the 1960s in Mississippi, black maid Abrien (Viola Davis) diligently cares for her mistress’s daughter, who is suffering from postpartum depression and is only interested in having fun with her girlfriends.
Skeeter (Emma Stone), a University of Mississippi graduate, is in charge of the housewife’s mailbox at the newspaper and thus begins the existence of black maids.
One of them, Hilly (Bryce Dallas Howard), is undoubtedly the antagonist, with her haughty attitude, prejudice against the black maid, Minnie (Octavia Spencer), and her forceful assertion that black maids can’t share the her masters.
Eventually, overwhelmed by the insult, Minnie leaves in anger and returns the favor by falsely apologizing for disgracing her.
Skeeter begins interviewing Abilene and Minnie, hoping to learn about the survival of black maids and to accumulate material for his new book.
Meanwhile, the affirmative action movement led by Martin Luther King, Jr. is in full swing, and Skeeter’s state of Mississippi is at the forefront of the struggle, as segregation begins due to the bloodshed of blacks being shot and killed, and a battle for the color of…