Based on the French sci-fi comic “Snow Train” by Jacques Loeb, the movie tells the story of a climate catastrophe after which the global temperature plummets and most of the human race on earth has perished, while the survivors are placed on a train with no end in sight.
The train’s rulers have divided the train into a hierarchy, with the ruling class in the front car, the middle class in the middle car, and the dark and dirty rear of the train for the underclass. This totalitarian rule is not only manifested in the control of resources, but also in the control of the mind and the spirit, and all the classes experience brainwashing education by the totalitarian rulers, who worship him like a god, except for the suffering underclass of the suffering People.
The hero of the movie is the representative of the underclass, who, degraded and despairing in the cruel living environment, begins to think about the injustice of this totalitarian rule and decides to lead the underclass in their revolt.
The film tells us that only through sacrifice and resistance can we break the bonds of power and realize true freedom and liberation.
2013 / Korea Czech / Drama Action Sci-Fi / Bong Joon-ho / Chris Evans Song Kang-ho
In order to deal with the intensifying greenhouse effect, the world launched the cryolite code-named CW-7 in 2014, who knew that it would push the earth into the abyss of extreme cold that would never end.
Most of humanity died of the cold and panic, and only a few thousands boarded a train developed by Wilford Industries to become never-ending wanderers.
With a perpetual motion engine developed by Wilford (Ed Harris) and equipped with all the necessary amenities, the train builds its own independent ecosystem over the next seventeen years, spinning its wheels week after week on a journey of 438,000 kilometers.
The underclass living in the final compartments have always been oppressed, and in the past, they have staged many riots for freedom and power, but with no exception, they have always failed.
This time, Curtis (Chris Evans), a leader, tries to find Namgung Min-soo (Song Kang-ho), an imprisoned security designer, and use him to open the doors to the first carriage and overthrow Wilford’s rule.
A bloody revolution is underway at the start of the new year …… This movie is based on the French comic LeTra…