The movie tells the story of four rebellious young men, Red Fish, Lun Lun, Toothpaste, and Hong Kong, who are in Taipei to amass money and scam people. Red Fish and Lun Lun meet Matra, a girl who has come to Taipei from France to look for a boyfriend, in a bar. Red Fish wants to use Matra to scam people out of their money but Lun Lun develops feelings for Matra and tries to stop Red Fish’s plan.
Red Fish also decides to take revenge on Angie, an old woman who had an adulterous affair with his father. He assigns Hong Kong to seduce her, but Angie finds two middle-aged women, causing Hong Kong to break down and cry.
Redfish’s father owes a huge debt and is being pursued by the mob, who mistakenly kidnap Lun Lun and Matra. Redfish decides to take the mob to his own father, only to find out that his father has already committed suicide. Suddenly, Redfish has an epiphany about his father’s transcendental spiritual life, and shoots and kills the boss who had cheated his father out of his money with Angie.
Through this series of episodes and events, the movie delves into the human nature of deception, betrayal, the contradiction between conscience and morality, and the price people pay in the pursuit of money and desire.
1996 / Taiwan, China / Drama Comedy / Edward Yang / Ke Yu Lun Zhang Zhen
The son of a rich businessman, Red Fish (Tang Congsheng), learns a lot of cheating tricks from his father. He forms a four-member clique with Lun Lun (Or Yu Lun), Toothpaste (Wang Qizan), and Hong Kong (Zhang Zhen), and goes around enriching himself and cheating people.
Once, they meet Matra (Virginia Redhorn), a girl who came to Taipei from France to look for her boyfriend, in a coffee shop, and Redfish sets his sights on her with the intention of deceiving her.
But Lun Lun has a clear conscience and takes Matra to hide in her house.
After that, Red Fish wants to take revenge on the old woman Angel (Karie Wu), who had an adulterous affair with her father (Cheung Kwok Chu), and wants Hong Kong to seduce her …….
On the other hand, Redfish’s father, who has cheated countless people throughout his life, deeply feels that his life is empty, and what fate awaits each of them?