The first Sino-Japanese animated film, when I was a child, I was very impressed, the movie tells the story of the tragic and lonely life of Tao Tao, a panda smuggled out of the country by poachers. In Minshan, Sichuan Province, there is a panda Tao Tao, which is living a happy life with its many little friends, but poachers have captured Tao Tao and transported it to Europe, where it is put in a cage at the zoo, and Tao Tao, accustomed to living in nature, finds it difficult to adapt to the life of humans. Tao Tao, used to living in nature, has difficulty adapting to human life, misses his hometown, misses his little friends, it has gone through several adventures, comes to the harbor, sees the vast ocean, and begins to understand: it will never be able to return to his hometown.
The end of the movie is very touching, has been eager to go home to the panda Tao tao, dying finally in a dream to return to the dream of home, childhood friends and gathered around it, the old days of the beautiful scenery, laughter and song, reappeared in front of the eyes, this time, it will never leave them again.
This ending is very much like the ending of “The Story of Faithful Dog”.
1981 / Japan China / Animation / Tatsuo Shimura / Ding Jianhua Liu Guangning
The story of a panda that was introduced to Europe in the 1930’s is the story of a panda that was nearly extinct during the long and harsh Ice Age and is now only found in Sichuan Province in the People’s Republic of China, where it is a treasured species.
In the mountains and dense forests of northern Sichuan Province, the baby panda Tao Tao lives happily with his mother and other animal companions, including golden monkeys, hares and old antelopes.
When the spring flowers bloom, the mother panda is killed by a ruthless hunter and her blood stains the valley stream.
Poor Tao Tao is left to fend for himself, but his fate pushes him to Europe, where he is a complete stranger and a prisoner for all to see.
Mary, the beautiful keeper, takes care of the panda and makes many animal friends.
As time passes and the world is in turmoil, Tao spends his life pining for his distant homeland ……