The movie tells the story of a family of six, who usually live by stealing and working odd jobs, and whose secrets come to light after a little girl with scars is picked up.
The first half of the movie shows a poor family of six, extremely poor in material things, but very rich in spirit, with the warmth and happiness of home, the members of the family, although all very poor, at the bottom of the social class, but can have family and love in the family.
The picture takes a sharp turn in the second half of the movie when the police intervene in the investigation and the veil of this cozy family hidden in the corners is revealed one by one. It turns out that these six people are not related by blood, but each of them can live happily in this new family, while, at the same time, not being able to get the same love in the original family.
As the official poster reads the tagline, “We have nothing but love.”
Also, the domestic version cuts out a number of key plot points, so we recommend watching the original.
2018 / Japan / Drama Family Crime / Hirokazu Yae / Masaya Nakagawa Sakura Ando
In the middle of Tokyo’s urban jungle, an old and shabby house remains, where the Shibata family of five lives in a cramped environment.
Aji (Lily Franky), a man who works as a temporary laborer at a construction site, often takes his son, Shota (Shirohito), to the supermarket to steal necessities, and one day, on their way home, they come across a four-year-old girl, Yuri (Miyuki Sasaki), who is staying outdoors alone.
His wife, Nobunyo (Sakura Ando), initially argues for the girl to be returned to her parents, but is sympathetic when she sees the state of the girl’s family.
The Shibata family was already living on the pension of her grandmother, Hatsue (Shirin Kiki), and now that they have an extra family member, the situation is even more difficult.
The family, including Nobuhiro’s sister Aki (Matsuoka Moyo), is on the brink of poverty and lawlessness, but the deep bonds that bind them together prevent their hearts from going cold in the cold city. …… This film won the Palme d’Or at the 71st Cannes Film Festival.