The movie tells the story of Gu A-Ming, a boy from a remote mountain village, his sister Gu Cha-Mei, and Guo Yuntian, an art teacher from the city.
Gu A-Ming and Gu Chamei lost their mother when they were young, and live with their father in poverty and misery. Gu A-Ming has a unique talent for drawing, and his potential is discovered by his teacher Guo Yuntian, who tries his best to cultivate him, and supports him to represent the school in drawing competitions, whereas in the school in the countryside, Gu A-Ming’s talent goes unrecognized, with the other teachers believing that the township mayor’s son is the most qualified representative, and Guo Yuntian The teacher is forced to leave, and in the end, like his mother, Gu A-Ming succumbs to a liver disease caused by malnutrition.
The movie’s theme song, “Lubinghua”, was performed at the CCTV Spring Festival Gala in 1991, sung by Zhen Ni, and is extremely well-known in mainland China. I never understood the meaning of the lyrics before, but only after watching this movie did I learn about this tragic story.
1989 / Taiwan, China / Drama Family / Yang Liguo / Huang Kunxuan Li Shuzhen
After transferring from the big city to an elementary school in Shui Cheng Town, a young and energetic art teacher Guo Yun Tian (Yu Han) discovers that Gu A Ming (Huang Kun Xuan), a “bad student” in the eyes of the other teachers, is a genius at drawing and painting, and after investigating and finding out that Gu A Ming’s family is in poverty, Guo Yun Tian begins to take good care of him, often clashing with the other teachers.
The principal of the school commissioned Guo Yuntian to select an art contestant to represent the school to participate in the competition, Guo Yuntian strongly recommended Gu A-ming, was opposed by other teachers, argued for a long time, Guo Yuntian finally failed to resist the mouth of the crowd, and apologized to Gu A-ming with one of his paintings to leave the township of Shuicheng.
And after the defeat of the ancient A-ming because of sadness plus long-term nutritional problems, suffering from liver disease died, I do not know that he gave Guo Yuntian as a souvenir of the painting has won him a world honor.