The film tells the story of an old doctor, who has been practicing medicine for fifty years, who returns to his alma mater to receive an honorary degree in the company of his daughter-in-law and experiences a series of dreams and memories that reflect on his life.
The film utilizes the narrative structure of dreams and memories to bring out the inner world of the old doctor, and through his inner journey, explores the themes of life, old age, family and relationships.
At the beginning of the film, the hero has a dream in which he finds himself in an empty street, surrounded by clocks with no hands, symbolizing the passage of time and the end of life. The scene is presented in black and white, with strong contrasts of light and shadow, giving a strong visual impact.
This unique narrative makes the movie of high artistic value in terms of form.
1957 / Sweden / Drama Romance Family / Ingmar Bergman / Victor Sjöström Bibi Andersson
Isak (Victor Sjöström), who has been practicing medicine for 50 years and is now nearly 80 years old, is preparing to return to his alma mater to receive an honorary degree, accompanied by his daughter-in-law.
On the way, Isak stops by to revisit old haunts and reminisce.
Isak once had a beautiful first love with his cousin Sarah (Bibi Andersson), but was so cold and withdrawn that his brother took advantage of the situation.
Now Isaac sits on the lawn and remembers the past, with Sara’s beautiful white dress floating before his eyes.
He was born with a cold and sensible character, destined to fail in marriage.
Isaac’s wife could not stand the cold marriage and sought an affair.
This family atmosphere, coupled with his inherited indifference, made Isak’s son unwilling to have children and his relationship with his daughter-in-law break down.
Isak receives an honorable degree, but he is still immersed in a heavy introspection of his past, which seems to be a journey of spiritual redemption for the old man whose life is about to end.