The film tells the story of a sleazy, middle-aged man of seven years and a paranoid maniac who, while his wife and children are on summer vacation, becomes obsessed with the beautiful, sexy female neighbor who has just moved in upstairs.
Marilyn Monroe’s performance in the movie is particularly memorable, as her “dumb blonde” character became synonymous with sex symbols, the most famous and iconic scene being the one in which Marilyn Monroe stands in a New York City subway vent with her white dress blowing in the wind.
This movie tells us that the seven-year itch is not scary, what is scary is how we face and deal with this itch, is it a choice to betray the family, or a choice to stick to the responsibility? It depends on our inner choice and commitment.
1955 / USA / Comedy Romance / Billy Wilder / Marilyn Monroe Tom Ewell
While his wife is on vacation, her husband, Richard Sharman (Tom Ewell), befriends his third-floor neighbor, a TV commercial star (Marilyn Monroe), over an incident with a flowerpot.
The doll-like beauty of the other woman makes this married man fall for her, and at a reception, he sits next to her while she plays the piano and makes an indecent gesture.
In the aftermath, Tom is in a state of deep remorse and seeks the advice of a psychiatrist who points out his condition and tempts him to pay a high price for treatment.
Tom ignores this and begins his own psychoanalysis and a series of fantasies that add to the story.
He worries that the gossip will reach his wife’s ears, and this worry gradually turns to suspicion that the latter is cheating on him.
So, under the sway of his sexual fantasies, Tom asked the girl to watch a movie with him and invited her to his home.
The latter covets the air conditioning in his house because the electric fan in the house does not cool the house, and therefore wishes to come and spend the night, resulting in a lot of jokes ……