A comedy film similar to The Tenacious Master, it tells the story of four young people who start a “Good Dream Day Trip” business, promising to help people live their dreams come true one day, and create a dreamy scenario for those who are not satisfied with the status quo, allowing them to experience a different kind of life.
The movie shows the changes in Chinese society and people’s mentality in the late 1990s.
1997 / China / Comedy / Feng Xiaogang / Ge You Liu Bei
Four young men, Yao Yuan (Ge You), Zhou Beiyan (Liu Bei), Qian Kang (Feng Xiaogang) and Liang Zi (He Bing), are a group of freelancers.
On a whim, they set up a business called “Good Dream One Day Tour”, promising to help people have a day when their dreams come true.
Strange and bizarre wishes ensue, and it seems that everyone wants to make a 180-degree turn in their current lives.
So the rich want to try poverty, the stars want to experience mediocrity, the little civilians want to be General Patton, the cook who can’t keep a secret wants to become a clanker who keeps his mouth shut. …… In the midst of the hilarious and absurd wishes, the four young people are busy playing the roles of various scenarios, and they put their true feelings into these stories.
Life is lived with fun and flavor.