The film’s protagonist, Vijay, a middle-aged man with a passion for movies who runs a small network equipment store, lives a quiet and simple life until the day his daughter accidentally kills the son of a police inspector who tries to assault her in self-defense.
In order to protect his family, Vijay uses his knowledge of counter-surveillance learned from the movie to orchestrate a series of disguises and alibis to battle the police.
The movie ends with the soulful question, “Will you police always protect us?” Thought-provoking, it shows the moral trials of ordinary people in the face of power and injustice; when the law and law enforcement agencies no longer protect ordinary people, then anything extreme that people do to protect their families is just and moral.
2015 / India / Drama Suspense Crime / Nishikat Kamat / Ajaye Deugan Tabu
Vijay (Ajay Devgan Ajay Devgan) and his wife Nandini (Shreya Saran Shreya) have been married for many years and have brought up their two daughters, Anju (Ishita Dutta IshitaDutta) and Annu (MrunalJadhav), in a quiet family life, which has its own truth in the humdrum.
One day, Anju goes for a camping trip and befriends a boy named Sam (Rishabh Chaddha), what she doesn’t realize at this point is that this urbane looking boy will completely shatter her life.
Tearing off his mask of hypocrisy, Sam actually tries to rape Anjou and in a fierce struggle against him, Anjou accidentally kills Sam.
Vijay decides to step forward to protect his innocent family, and using what he has learned from the movies he has watched since he was a child, he disposes of and buries Sam’s body, but a visit from the police puts the family in crisis once again.