Europe and America

Pan’s Labyrinth

Set in Spain during World War II in 1944, the movie tells the story of a 12-year-old girl, Ofelia, who follows her mother to join her stepfather, but accidentally opens another magical door where she must pass three dangerous tests in order to regain her identity as a princess of a fantasy kingdom.

As a dark fairy tale, the movie incorporates war, violence, gore, death and realism, presenting a unique and impressive atmosphere and a more complex and realistic view of the world, making it a fairy tale not quite suitable for children.

2006 / Spain Mexico / Drama War Fantasy / Guillermo del Toro / Ivana Baciro Serge Lopez


A 12-year-old girl, Ofelia (Ivana Buckalew), has a murderous fascist officer stepfather, Vidal (Serge Lopez), who is tasked with suppressing the rebels and researching various instruments of torture to torture and maim the captured dissidents, and Ofelia witnesses unpleasant events on a daily basis.

Seeing her ruthless stepfather and his henchmen taking pleasure in their daily evil, and with her mother sick in bed with a baby, Ophelia, plagued by loneliness and the pain of witnessing the atrocities, begins to indulge in her own fantasies to comfort herself.

One day, Ophelia meets the guardian of the labyrinth, Pan (Doug Jones).

Pan tells her that she is in fact the missing princess of the Kingdom of Fantasy, and that she must pass three dangerous tests in order to regain her identity.

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