The movie takes place four years after the first installment, when the evil alien witch comes to Earth in search of the key aliens who rule everything in the universe, and the Men in Black work together to stop the evil alien witch from ruling the Earth.
The story takes place in the future era, due to the constant war in the universe, a large number of aliens have to take refuge on Earth, the men in black are special police officers who specialize in dealing with aliens, their duty is to monitor the aliens living on Earth and what the aliens have done to the Earth, what they found is that the evil aliens have taken the secret invasion of the Earth and the destruction of the plan, so they are determined to do with the aliens to fight to the death, the battle! They are determined to fight the aliens to the death, only to find out that their enemies are extremely destructive insect monsters.
2002 / USA / Comedy Action Sci-Fi / Barry Sonnenfeld / Will Smith Tommy Lee Jones
The story takes place four years after the first movie, at which point SWAT K (Tom Lee Jones) has retired as a regular postmaster, while J (Will Smith) continues to work on the MIB.
The evil queen of the planet Carousel, Lena, comes to Earth in search of the cosmic energy “Star of Sata” and occupies the headquarters of MIB.
Princess Rona of Sata, who had fled to Earth, requested MIB to hide the Star of Sata on Earth, but K, who was in charge of this matter, refused her for the sake of Earth’s safety.
In the face of the onslaught of the snake Lena, MIB sent J to find k, investigate the truth of the incident, how to convince the loss of memory of K believe that the existence of aliens, became the first J faced the problem ……