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Raiders of the Lost Ark 3

The movie tells the story of Indiana Jones, a professor of archaeology, and his father, Professor Henry Jones, who are searching for the legendary Holy Grail in 1938.

Because the legendary Holy Grail will make people live forever and heal any wounds, the German Nazis also want to seize the Holy Grail with magical powers, Indiana Jones and his father in the Nazi German army chased by the risk of death and escape.

In the end, the Nazis and their accomplices get what they deserve, and Jones uses the Grail to scoop up water to heal his wounded father.

The understanding and interaction between Jones and his father add many heartwarming moments to the movie.

1989 / USA / Drama Action Fantasy Adventure / Steven Spielberg / Harrison Ford Sean Connery


Legend has it that if you drink from the chalice used by Jesus at the Last Supper, you will live forever.

The possibility of the Grail’s existence attracts hordes of frenzied people on a quest to find it when a gold-digging operation leads to the discovery of a stele recording the Grail’s existence.

Indiana’s Dr. Jones (Harrison Ford) is among them, and even his father, Jones Sr. (Sean Connery), gets caught up in it – but he leaves Jones with the Grail’s notes and then disappears.

Stepping onto Venetian soil, Jones meets up with a pre-arranged Dr. Snyder (Alison Doody), and after following clues in the library to find the Holy Shield, they begin to be hunted by inexplicable people from the Brothers of the Crossed Swords.

After some twists and turns, Jones finally finds Jones Sr. Meanwhile, Snyder’s Nazi identity is revealed and his notes are taken.

The Holy Grail could fall into the hands of the Nazis at any time.

Thus, the Jones father and son begin to join forces to stage a wonderful drama to save the Holy Grail!

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