Based on the biographical literature of the same name by Jon Krakouer, the movie from a true story is about an honor student of a prestigious private school in Atlanta, who gave up his otherwise comfortable life and donated his savings to charity to find himself in the Alaskan wilderness, where he survived for 100 days, accidentally ingested a poisonous plant that led to intoxication, and ultimately died of starvation in the Alaskan wilderness area.
In my opinion, the hero is a person who has no sense of responsibility and is irresponsible for his own life. The hero abandons his family’s affection and leaves home to wander around, although he meets a lot of friends, he leaves all the people who are good to him and becomes a lonely vagabond, which is not worth it at all.
There are many ways and means for a person to grow up. The knowledge he learned in the wilderness is worthless to normal people, and he pursues extreme freedom and independence, but this pursuit is at the expense of his own life, and he eventually starves to death in the wilderness, such a life is worthless and meaningless.
2007 / USA / Drama Biography Adventure / Sean Penn / Emile Hirschi Marcia Gay Harden
Adapted from a true story, the movie shows the legend of an idealist, a story of wandering.
Christopher (Emile Hirschi) comes from a good family and has a promising future as an honor student at Emory, a prestigious private school in Atlanta.
However, he graduates from the school and chooses a very different life, giving up his enviable job, donating his savings to charity, and going to Alaska to find himself.
Dissuaded by his family, he sets out on the long, slow road back to nature, becoming a veritable wanderer.
Along the way, he meets many people and is challenged several times by the challenges of wilderness survival. Every step is full of hardships, and he realizes his dream of finding himself with perseverance ……