The movie tells the story of a series of events triggered by the disappearance of the young daughters of two families who went out to play during a Thanksgiving family gathering in a calm town.
Through two main lines, the movie shows the father’s pain and anger after losing his daughter and his helplessness in choosing to take extreme measures in despair on the one hand, and the detective’s calmness and persistence in the investigation of the case on the other.
The movie explores what choices people may make in extreme situations to protect the ones they love.
2013 / USA / Drama Suspense Crime / Denis Villeneuve / Hugh Jackman Jake Gyllenhaal
Keller (Hugh Jackman Hugh Jackman) is a carpenter whose daughter Anna (Erin Gerasimovich Erin Gerasimovich) has inexplicably disappeared along with her young friend Joey (Kyla Drew Simmons) in an accident.
An anxious Kyla seeks help from the police for the untimely death of her daughter, and soon the man in charge of the case, Rocky (Jake Gyllenhaal), targets a man named Alex (Paul Dano).
Unfortunately, due to lack of evidence, the police had to release Alex after forty-eight hours, and a frustrated Keller decided to look for his daughter on his own.
The experienced Keller captures Alex himself, hoping to gain information about his daughter by force.
Will Anna and Joey finally be saved? And is Alex, who claims to be innocent, really the culprit?