The film tells the story of a lazy, idle middle-aged man, nicknamed “The Dude”, who lives in Los Angeles and is accidentally drawn into a series of absurd and bizarre events after being mistaken by two thugs for another tycoon with the same name.
Through a series of absurd and bizarre events, the film makes a fascinating narrative, in addition to the extensive use of bright colors and contrasting light and shadow effects, creating a sense of drama and surreal, enhancing the visual impact of the film.
1998 / USA UK / Comedy Crime / Joel Coen Ethan Coen / Jeff Bridges John Goodman
Lebowski (Jeff Bridges), nicknamed “The Dude”, is a middle-aged, do-nothing gangster whose greatest pastime is to spend his days with his two equally incompetent friends, Walt (John Goodman) and Donnie (Steve Buscemi Steve Buscemi) bowling.
One day, a group of thugs threaten him by mistaking him for the millionaire in town who shares his name, and piss on his carpet on their way out.
The Dude, having suffered a loss for no reason, goes to the millionaire (David Huddleston) to make amends, but fails to do so, and then takes it upon himself to steal one of his carpets.
A few days later, the rich man asked the Dude to help him out again, because his young wife Bonnie (Tara Reid) was kidnapped, and the Dude was asked to help send ransom to the kidnappers, and so he and his two friends were involved in a crying crime. ……