Based on the novel of the same name written by Ben Fontaine, the movie tells the story of Billy Lynn, a 19-year-old soldier who becomes a hero during the Iraq War due to an accidentally shot video, and how he and his B squad comrades become so hot with media hype that they embark on a one-week celebratory tour of the country, and also have to perform on stage with Beyonce and Manifest Destiny at the Thanksgiving Day competition.
Starting from the perspective of a minor character, the film reflects the different views and values of different groups of people towards soldiers of war, as well as the portrayal and questioning of the image of heroes.
2016 / USA UK China / Drama War / Ang Lee / Joe Alwyn Garrett Hedland
Plot Synopsis:
During the Iraq War, Billy Lynn (Joe AlwynJoe Alwyn), a 19-year-old tech soldier from Texas, becomes a household name thanks to a video he happened to shoot.
It was a small but intense encounter in which Lynn’s B squad leader (Van Diesel) was ambushed and abducted by local militants, and Lynn went to great lengths to rescue him.
The release of the video has made him a hero worshipped across America, yet few understand what he and his comrades went through.
In order to bury the squad leader, B-Squad is given a short furlough so they can be invited to a football game in Texas.
Lynn’s sister, who is deeply guilty over an incident, wants her brother to take this opportunity to return to ordinary life.
All the while, the agents, fans, big bosses, and general public around them have all sorts of taken-for-granted interpretations of war, defense, and soldiers.
While the festivities at the stadium begin in earnest, the hearts of Lynn and his comrades grow heavy and restless. …… This movie is based on the novel of the same name by author Ben Fountain.