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biography of Gandhi

The film tells the story of Mahatma Gandhi’s legendary life and deeply demonstrates Gandhi’s philosophy of nonviolent noncooperation and its great influence on the Indian independence movement.

The film begins with Gandhi’s experience in South Africa, showing how he fought racial discrimination through nonviolent resistance. After returning to India, Gandhi continued to lead the Indian people in a nonviolent noncooperation movement, which ultimately led to India’s independence.

In an atomized society like India, Gandhi’s “nonviolent non-cooperation” was a very wise strategy to fight against British rule. Nonviolence advocated peaceful resistance, avoiding the use of violence, emphasizing morality and spiritual strength, and placing oneself on the moral high ground of public opinion; non-cooperation was the refusal to cooperate with the ruler, weakening his power and control, such as by tanning oneself. power and control, such as tanning salt and weaving their own cloth, by which they boycotted British goods, undermined the gains of British rule in India, drove up the cost of their rule, and made British rule unable to make ends meet, and the longer it went on, the more they lost, and eventually gave up their rule.

This non-violent form of resistance not only avoids large-scale bloodshed, but also demonstrates the power and wisdom of peaceful resistance.

1982 / England India USA / Drama Biography History / Richard Attenborough / Ben Kingsley Candice Bergen


Plot Synopsis:

This film chronicles the epic and legendary life of India’s Mahatma Gandhi.

In 1893, at the age of 24, Gandhi (Ben Kingsley) is invited to South Africa to work as a lawyer, where he is imprisoned for his determination to lead Indian immigrants in a nonviolent, noncooperative protest.

After his release, Gandhi returns to his homeland, establishes a monastic ashram in the Sambalang region, and joins the Indian Independence Movement led by the Congress Party to propagate the idea of nonviolent noncooperation in the struggle.

During the movement, Gandhi was imprisoned four times; with his tireless efforts and the leadership of the Congress Party, Indian independence was finally on the agenda, and Gandhi went to London in 1931 to participate in the Round Table Conference on Independence.

However, as independence approached, the religious conflicts between the Muslim and Hindu peoples in India became more and more prominent, and Gandhi’s philosophy of nonviolence and noncooperation faced even more serious new challenges. …… The film won the 1982 Academy Award for Best Picture, Best Director (Richard Attenborough Richard Attenborough), Best Actor (Ben Kingsley), Best Original Screenplay, Best Art Direction, Best Cinematography, Best Costume Design and Best Editing for a total of eight awards, and was awarded the Oscar…

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