Based on the best-selling children’s book of the same name by Chris Van Allsburg, the movie tells the story of a mysterious board game filled with magic and danger, where each move in the game transports the players into a world of danger and fantasy.
In 1969, 12-year-old Aaron and Sarah participate in this mysterious board game by chance, and Aaron is sucked into the mysterious jungle by the game.
Twenty-six years later, in 1995, Judy and Peter, two siblings who follow their aunt to move to Aaron’s old house, accidentally release Aaron from the board world, while the monsters and beasts from the board come along to the human world and wreak havoc, and the four of them must work together to complete the game in order to restore order to the real world.
1995 / USA / Action Fantasy Adventure / Joe Johnston / Robin Williams Jonathan Hyde
Plot Synopsis:
“Umangi is a board game similar to Monopoly, however, unlike Monopoly, Umangi’s pieces move automatically, and when you move to one of the squares, the item described in that square will actually appear in front of you. Twelve-year-old Aaron (Robin Williams) and his best friend Sara (Bonnie Hunt) have only just begun to play Umangi when bats fly out of the board and scare them out of their wits. As soon as they start playing Umangi, they are frightened by bats flying out of the board and rush into the magical world of Umangi, but they can’t continue playing, so they are stuck in another world.
Twenty-six years later, the house where Aaron lived back then is joined by two young guests – siblings Judy (Kirsten Dunst) and Pete (Bradley Pierce).
They are guided by the drums of Yogi Mann to the Yogi Mann, which Aaron hasn’t finished playing yet.
After familiarizing themselves with the rules, they continue the game that Aaron never finished. ……