The movie tells the story of a new type of deadly influenza virus brought by illegal immigrants broke out in Bundang District, South Korea and spread rapidly, the South Korean government in order to prevent the spread of the epidemic, so the emergency seal Bundang blockade quarantine and set up camps to isolate the suspected patients in the concentration of isolation, due to the tough and inhumane policies of the epidemic prevention, leading to public dissatisfaction, the government in order to prevent the virus from spreading out of the Bundang, the government ordered the army to shoot to crack down on it, the citizens are facing a Life and death test.
A rescue team member and a doctor work hand in hand to protect and save the doctor’s daughter in the face of this disaster.
The movie is a biting satire of the Korean government’s handling of the epidemic crisis. In order to control the epidemic, the Korean government took some extreme measures, including disconnecting the internet, blocking the news, and burning the infected people to death instead of treating them, showing the government’s contempt for the rights of individuals and the value of life.
In addition, the intentional killing of civilians, even children, is a war crime that will be tried in an international court of law, and according to the Nuremberg Principles, “obeying orders from a superior” is not a justifiable excuse for exoneration.
2013 / South Korea / Drama, Action, Adventure / Kim Sung-soo / Jang Hyuk Soo Ae
A group of Southeast Asian stowaways arrive in South Korea after a long and difficult journey, but almost all of the stowaways in the container are dead, and only one man escapes into the downtown area with a frail body.
Unbeknownst to them, this man is carrying the deadly swine flu virus, which spreads rapidly throughout the city in just one day.
Many people are infected without realizing it, and the shadow of death spreads to everyone around them.
Kim In-hae (Soo-ae), a beautiful female doctor and single mother, is rescued from a car accident by Kang Ji-goo (Jang Hyuk), a rescue worker from the fire department, but she is criticized by her superiors for losing her important thesis materials.
In the meantime, the brother of a Korean snakehead is admitted to In-ha’s hospital for treatment of influenza, and the diagnosis finally reveals the cause of the flu, and the container of dead bodies becomes the key to finding the source of the disease.
Before long, the swine flu virus spreads geometrically, and the people who have been enjoying peace and quiet are faced with an unprecedented disaster ……