Based on the book “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow” by American author Washington Irving, the movie tells the story of a young policeman who is sent to a small town called “Sleepy Hollow” in 1799 to investigate a series of mysterious murders, all the dead were decapitated, and the villagers in the town firmly believe that these murders are committed by a headless horseman. The villagers are convinced that the murders were committed by a headless horseman. Through careful investigation and adventure, the young police officer finally uncovers the truth about the headless horseman.
The entire movie unfolds in an eerie atmosphere, with eerie forests, ghostly fog and various dark aesthetic and fantasy elements, creating a creepy and gothic world of horror.
1999 / USA Germany UK / Suspense Horror Fantasy / Tim Burton / Johnny Depp Christina Ricci
Plot Summary:
In late 18th century New York City, police officers are still practicing the old-fashioned way of handling cases and extracting confessions from criminals through torture. Young police officer Ichabod Crane (Johnny Depp), who believes in the scientific way of handling cases, is ostracized by his peers in the city and assigned to a small town called Brokeback Hollow to deal with a series of murders.
The legend of the “Headless Horseman” has been circulating in the Valley of the Severed Heads. It is said that he is a mercenary from the Black Forest who fights for blood, and after his head was cut off by the enemy, his lonely soul has been wandering in the Valley of the Severed Heads, and in the dark and windy nights, he will ride a fast horse with a big axe, and will cut off the heads of the pedestrians who pass through the area.
Within two months, three people in the town had been killed.
Crane, who has taken up residence in the home of a wealthy local man, Van Tassel (Michael Gambon), doesn’t believe in the legend of the Headless Horseman, but as more people die, and he witnesses the Horseman decapitating the town’s sheriff, he is forced to believe in the legend, and he is also forced to believe in the legend. He is forced to believe in the existence of the legend and is determined to find out the truth.
After much investigation, Crean places his suspicions on Van Tassel, while his budding romance with Van Tassel’s daughter, Katrina (Christina Ricci), is brutalized by the…