Apple’s 2020 New Year’s Eve short film “Daughter”, tells the story of a young single mother because of the conceptual conflict with her grandmother, in a fit of pique, alone with her own daughter to leave home to drive a cab, the film has both the heartache of running as a single mother, but also sweet moments in life, and ultimately in the Chinese New Year, the grandmother with dumplings in the street to find her daughter’s cab, and the three generations ultimately realized a reunion in the car.
The film is directed by 2017 Academy Award-nominated film director Theodore Mayfair, with director of photography 2020 Golden Globe Award-nominated film Laurence Schell, and starring actress Zhou Xun in the lead role, with filming equipment of Apple’s iPhone 11 Pro in Chongqing, China.
The idea of the short film was inspired by a true story, “Wuhan Single Mom Drives Taxi with 3-Year-Old Daughter” reported by the media in 2017.
2020 / China / Drama / Theodore Melfi / Zhou Xun Xu Duoduo
Plot Summary:
The movie tells the tender story of a mother, played by Zhou Xun, who drives a taxi with her daughter and is eventually reunited with her own mother in the Chinese New Year, making people weep.
The whole movie was shot on iPhone 11Pro.
It shows the iPhone11Pro’s ultra-wide-angle lens, extended dynamic range and rich layers and details, and the application of theater-grade anti-shake in different scenes respectively.